Fri, Feb. 10th, 2006, 04:11 pm
[info]pzrk: Priekdiena

Nu labi, labi, pirms sāka snigt, arī man šodien galvā bija pavasaris – sēdēju es te tā birojā, staipīju kājas un domāju, kā es pabraukāšos ar velosipēdu, bet tad paskatījos pa logu un jutos satriekts, jo tur vēl aizvien sniegs!

Savukārt kāds Kvincijs Springers man pirms brīža atsūtīja ļoti iedvesmojošu vēstuli:

Subject: Former President Bill Klinton uses Voagra!

Everybody knows the great sexual scandal known as "Klinton-Levinsky".
After the relations like this Klintons popularity raised a lot!
It is a natural phenomenon, because Bill as a real man in order not to
shame himself when he was with Monica regularly used Voagra.
What happened you see. His political figure became more bright and more attractive.
It is very important for a man to be respected as a man!

See our Voagra shop to enter upon the new phase of your life.

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