Thu, Mar. 2nd, 2006, 11:32 pm
[info]pzrk: Sensattional revolution in meedicine!

Turiet mani! Neļaujiet man pārpublicēt stulbu ģeniālu, vilinošu spamu!
From: Jack Hickey <>
To: *******
Date: Mar 2, 2005 9:34 PM
Subject: Have you ever tried pheromones?

Hey sweetie, you wanna attract chick at the club? Try Ultra Allure pheromones!

-Attract women of all ages
-Excite women before even talking to them
-Make women want to sleep with you immediately
-Millions of men are already using them!
-Proven to work!

They are having a huge sale right now, check out the site for all the info.

Everybody I know has got a couple bottles of this stuff, it simply works! Don't be the only one left behind!

Remove you e-mail

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