Fri, Oct. 6th, 2006, 11:39 pm
[info]pzrk: Idejas, ko darīt pie friziera

Tā, viens vinčiks ir piebeigts! Tagad būtu attaisnojams arī sekojošais ieraksts, ko biju sagatavojis jau pirms pāris stundām, bet tad likās, ka tas tāds pliekans sanācis. Tagad es zinu - tas ir tieši laikā! :)

Ziņo lasītāji:

"A whole squad of us at school used to get
our hair cut at a local barbers solely
because a drop dead gorgeous, and, let's not
beat around the bush, particularly buxom
young lady worked there. We sat in line
waiting to be called over and, once the
nudge-nudge/embarrassment thing was out of
the way, we just sat in stunned silence as
she cut away. If memory serves, she used to
straddle the chair to cut your fringe. It
all went tits-up one afternoon when she
called one of us and dressed him in one of
those stupid nylon hair-cape thingies. After
snipping away for a few minutes, she
suddenly noticed some rhythmic fumbling from
under the nylon sheet and promptly whacked
our pal on the back of the head with a hair
brush, screaming all manner of insults
regarding his perversion. Best bit was, he
was cleaning his glasses under the sheet."

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