Fri, Mar. 26th, 2004, 07:54 pm
[info]pzrk: Mind your language, young lady!

Pievēršam uzmanību valodas niansēm.
Briljants mūsdienu jaunatnes angļu valodas piemērs iz Nokia 7250i Consumer Reviews:

Reviewed by Amy Jones from England on 17th Feb 2004

"i av ad my fone now 4 bout a month & i find it very fun,useful & clever. even dough I find the games not so gud i av downloaded sum off the internet. the radio iz gud, camera ( even dough it cud ov cum wid a flash!) loads of ppl in my skool av got it & it iz very popular. I give it 5 coz i can neva get bored wid it!!!"

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