May 1st, 200410:51 am
"Here in Lisbon, at least, there's much celebrating - we Portuguese love foreigners (we only hate the Portuguese, which is what keeps us together) and the prevailing sentiment is "the more the merrier". As one of the poorest countries in the EU there's a lot of sympathy for the new members which are all as poor or poorer than us. So we get new "soak the rich" partners and, even if we have to compete with them, they're all great countries with rich cultures, all very different from eachother, and it will be great fun getting to know them." MetaFilter komentāri 11:37 am
kas notiks ar Kaļiņingradu? Reālākas attīstības iespējas būtu, ja Maskava ļautu tai vaļu 11:53 pm
Lasu teorijas grāmatu Machine Translation: an Introductory Guide, kas publicēta pirms 10 gadiem - šis skaitlis jāpatur prātā nepārtraukti, jo tehnoloģijas, kā rādās, ir varen attīstījušās, lai gan pamatprincipi tomēr ir tie paši. Man domāt arī valoda, kādā tiek runāts par šīm "mūsdienu" iespējām, ir mainījusies. Lūk, fragments, kurā ilustrē datorizētas tulkošanas praktisko pielietojumu: "Everyone in the language department has a workstation — an individual computer. These are linked together by the network. The documentation system which runs on this network allows users to create and modify documents by typing in text; in other words, it provides very sophisticated word processing facilities. It also provides sophisticated means for storing and retrieving electronic documents, and for passing them around the network inside the company or via external networks to external organizations. As is usual with current computer systems, everything is done with the help of a friendly interface based on windows, icons and menus, selections being made with a mouse." P.S. Jāpieraksta manis paša zināšanai, ka šis mūzikas gabals man patīk :) |